Rajasthani Folk Music

Music of Rajasthan is one of the finest folk music of the world. The beats, tunes, and its stlye makes it unique and diverse. It is all about the mixture of love, separation, heroism, patriotism, nature, seasons, festivals, rituals, customs and of course water or rain too. As it could happen only in Rajasthan.

Ghoomar :

Gangore :

Choumaso :

Rajasthani Music has maintained its traditional flavor as it was centuries ago. In the desert the life is harsh and survival difficult. These folks are like a cool shadow in the desert life under which life can take rest for a while. With Rajasthani folk songs, puppet shows and festivals can make any one crazy. It also help to forget all the worries and tensions of the life.

Mand, Bilawal, Kafi, Desh, Khamaj and Peelu are the commonly used ragas in Rajasthni folks. The combination of Ravanhattha, Ektara, Sarangi, Rawaz and Kamaichi with these ragas create the magical and musical lake to dive in.

More Bole Re :

Podina :

Panihari :

Songs about water and mostly sung by women are called "Panihari". There are also the variety of songs with the massage of saints, Surdas, Kabirdas, Meerabai and others. In the ballad tradition, minstrels sing and narrate heroic tales of folk heroes like Tejaji, Gogaji and Ramdeoji and even of legendary lovers and their tragedies.

Roomal :

Gorband :

Ganesh Jogi & Teju Behan - Some Excerpts : 

There are also number of communities whose traditional profession is to sing to entertain people. Music traditions are kept alive by entertainer communities like the Langas, Manganniyars, Mirasis and Dholis. Professional performers like the Bhaats, Dholis, Mirasis, Nats, Bhopas are omnipresent across the state. They are patronized by the villagers who participate actively in the shows put up by these traveling entertainers. The education of music in these groups begins early and is passed down from generation to generation.
Read More>>
Contributed by : Sarita Shukla

Cooking by man in India

It is thought ( specially women) that muscles is what to men, cooking is to women. Our mother prepares food for us and serves us to keep fit.

In other world, men thinks cooking is second grade work and belongs to females only.

Brothers and sisters, in the same house treated differently. Girl are taught cooking for their future in kitchen & other household job. Boys look down upon this trivial work.
But ………….

Now a days cooking is in fashion and not only fashion but also a necessity too. When it comes to study out of station, or job in remote areas BOYS learn quickly how to cook properly. Nuclear family system with working woman is common phenomena in metros and spreading to urban areas and to survive man has to learn cooking.It is said A women can enter to man`s heart whose entry gate is stomach. Tasty food is the weakness of every man. 

But …………Now a days TV channels and womens magazines are full of KHANA PAKANA etc. and women love to watch these programmer which are run by MEN. As there are many cooking shows on TV with Male cook host.

Films also change the mindset or change is reflecting in films. It might be both but it is reality that now in Hindi Cenema hero may live in london work as a software engineer can also cook food in routine life. I remember Sharukh Khan did in some film in a very natural way but in past as a viewer we couldn`t expect and or accept our hero to cook.

The Fact … is that …. Except home front …… Men avoid to cook food as a routine home job.


Man does cooking, and prepare mouth watering recepies in

- Restaurant and Hotels

- Sweets and Namkin shops,

- Snacks

- Dhaba

- Marriage party

- Railway station

- Picnic spot

- Even Chat wala, Pani Puri wala, Samose wala, Ice cream wala, Bhel puri wala are famous in every corner of our country but no such a thing -of-Wali. (Here too helping hands have some women labourers only)

Men prepares food for thousands of people in a day, in a quick session. but womens can do it for a limited size. ( 5-10-20-50-100- think ..above, have party on home will see result.)

Aim is not to undermine womens contributions but ex-pression is Cooking is Man’s World.At the end I will say …….

Cooking by women is filled with love & affection, and personal touch, which is lacking in cooking by men. Hence every body needs these elements in food so love their mother and sister to be cook at home.


 Contributed by Saurabh

जन जन का दर्शन

भारत तो है ही दार्शनिकों की धरती, दर्शन तो यहां की आबो हवा में है। यहाँ लोगों के मन में इसकी बड़ी गरही पैठ है। जनजीवन के हर पहलू में में रचा बसा है दर्शन। ऎसा भी नहीं की यहां लोग कर्मवादी नहीं हैं लेकिन कुछ हद भाग्यवादी तो हैं ही। इनमें भी तारतम्य इतना कि कर्मवादी लोग भी भाग्य पर भरोसा रखते हैं…और भाग्यवादी लोग भी कर्म करते हैं। एक आध को छोड़ दें तो सभी ये भी मानते हैं कि यह संसार मोहमाया है, यह शरीर भी नश्वर है। न यहाँ कोई कुछ लेकर आया है और न लेकर जायेगा। जाने अनपढ़ लोगों को भी कहाँ से इस दिव्य ज्ञान प्राप्त हो जाता है...! विविधता वाले इस देश में जीवन जीने का तरीका सबका है। कुछ मानते हैं कि जब हम यहाँ कुछ दिनों के लिये आये हैं, तो इस संसार के मोह में क्यों पड़ें? मोह करना है तो ईश्वर से करो, जिसके दरबार में आखिरकार जाना ही है। एक न एक दिन सभी को जाना है, छोटा-बड़ा, शिक्षित-अनपढ़, गरीब-अमीर, सेठ-साहूकार, सभी चले जायेंगे…इसपर कोई भेदभाव नहीं…अगर एक दिन ये जीवन नष्ट हो जायेगा तो इसे भरपूर जियो।

दरअसल यही तो है हमारे दर्शन का आधार। मुझे नहीं पता कि ये दर्शन क्या बला है लेकिन यहां तो एक अनपढ़ देहाती भी इसके सार को भली प्रकार समझता है। दर्शन जैसे गूढ़ विषय को यहां लोग इतनी स‌रलता से बखान कर देते हैं कि कि क्या कहें। वाकई कभी कभी तो ये इतना रोचक होता है कि जवाब नहीं।

मिड सैम में मैं घर आया तो कुछ पुराने दोस्तों के साथ गांव की सैर पर निकल गया। प्लान था कि खेत खेत का ट्यूवैल चलवाकर वहीं पानी में डुबकी लगाई जाएगी। खेत के पास ही भट्टे पर काम बहुत तेजी से चल रहा था। इस स‌मय यहां चहल पहल खूब बढ़ जाती है। चलचिलाती घूप में भी मजदूर यहां डटे हुए हैं। देखा के दफ्तर से दोस्त के ताऊजी का ही है।

पास ही के खेत गेहूं की फस‌ल कटाई का काम चल रहा था। गांव की सुन्दरता इसी स‌मय अपने स‌बसे कठोर रूप में दिखाई देती है। सूरज आग बरसा रहा है और पारा आसमान छू रहा है…मज़दूर-मज़दूरिनों की जीवन्तता पर कोई फर्क नहीं…कुछ सेर अनाज और कुछ रुपयों के लिये 40-42 डिग्री तापमान में भी जी-तोड़ मेहनत करना और उसपर भी खिलखिलाकर हँसना…ये तो इसी धरती पर संभव है। मन में आया कि पांच सितारा एसी कमरों में ग्लोबल वार्मिंग पर माथा पीटने वाले अगर 5 मिनट भी यहां टिक जांए तो छठी का दूध याद आ जाए।

खैर ताऊजी मज़दूरों से कुछ खफा खफा से लगे। उनका कहना है कि मायावती के स‌त्ता में आते ही इनके दिमाग आसमान छूने लगते हैं। आज कल इनके नखरे ही नहीं मिलते। कुछके लड़के छोटी-मोटी सरकारी नौकरी क्या पा गये हैं … अपनी हद भूल गए हैं। कुछ तो मिजाज गरम और कुछ सूर्यदेवता की कृपा ताऊजी इन्हें इनकी औकात बताने का बीड़ा उठा लिया। वो अपने हवेलीनुमा घर, ज़मीन-जायदाद, खेत-खलिहान, ट्रक, ट्यूबवेल, बैंक-बैलेंस, और गाय बछड़ों का बखान करके अपनी हैसियत दिखाए जा रहे थे। जैसे किसी को इसके बारे में मालूम ही न हो। अरे गाँव में तो कोसों दूर तक लोग ये भी जानते हैं कि आज तुम्हारे घर कौन सा साग पका है पर हमारे ताऊजी तो ताऊजी हैं। उनके स्वभाव को स‌भी जानते हैं...

किसी को भी उनका इस तरह से डींगे हाँकना अच्छा नहीं लग रहा था। स‌बसे बड़े हैं तो टोकता कौन....! उन्हौने मजदूरों को औकात बताने का काम चालू रखा। वहीं नल के पास एक बूढ़ी मजदूर औरत बैठी बीड़ी पी रही थी। कफी देर तक ताऊजी का सुनती रही...लगा जैसे वो बहरी है उसे कुछ सुनाई ही नहीं देता। लेकिन अचानक महिला हँसकर बोली, “ए बाबा, ( हमारे यहाँ ब्राह्मणों को बाबा कहते हैं) काहे भभकत हउआ फुटही ललटेन मतिन। इ कुल तोहरे साथ न जाई चलत की बेरिया” (फूटी हुई लालटेन की तरह भभक क्यों रहे हो? ये सब संसार छोड़ते समय तुम्हारे साथ नहीं जायेगा)। लगा जैसे ताऊजी पर एक क्षण में घड़ों पानी पड़ गया और वो बड़बड़ाते हुये टैक्टर पर स‌वार हो चलते बने।…भला इसके आगे बोलते भी क्या???

Contributed by Santosh

How to make Gel Candels for Gift

When celebrating a memorable day of the life, gifts would always be at the top list. Gifts may vary from the simple greeting cards to the most luxurious car. Does the cost matter? It does but it does not matter the most. As always said, it is the "thought" that counts and it apply in whole world.

Though for most people the price tag of your present may "tickle the spine", it is beyond denial that a "personal" touch expresses more sincerity for the receiver. Your creativity plus a few tips would make that special person feel extra special because of your home made gel candles.

1. Prepare the following materials:

• Ceramic containers like mugs or any fancy-shaped figurine that could hold the candle wax when melted and cooled. Glasses are also great.
• Gel wax,
• Candle wicks
• Pencils
• Pot (for melting wax)
• Candle scent and color (non alcohol-base)
• Sharp scissors

2. With the use of a pencil, twine the wick around it but leave some of the wick free that it could reach the bottom part of the candle container. It must be straight down the center of the container.

3. Put the pencil with the twined wick on top of the container; allow the wick to hang down the center of the container. As what the directions tell, melt the wax by cutting them into cubes first to hasten the melting.

4. Add color and scent but make sure that they will not make the wax cloudy.

5. After the melting, pour the gel wax into the container you have prepared. Fill the container but set a limit. Before getting to the next step, make sure that the wax turned gel fully cools down.

6. Check out the wick if it really takes the focal point of the container.

7. Trim the wick to ¼ of its total length.

8. You could tie a ribbon around it or stick a piece of fancy paper with a special message or a mini-picture of the receiver. Give it with the purest sincerity.

As you follow these quick and easy steps, you could unravel both the artist and entrepreneur in you. This way of preparing gifts would tickle your resourcefulness and creativity. Moreover, it may be an initiation of your new business specializing in candles. They are making it big on the market today.
Contributed by Saurabh Vartak

How to Maintain a Good Relationship after Marriage

A romantic relationship is the foundation to successful marriages. It must not be wrong a marriage can`t success  without romantic relationship. But the fact is that only very few couples maintain a romantic relationship after marriage. 

Let me give you some advices of how to maintain a romantic relationship after marriage all the time.

Advice 1: Focus on Commonalities
A romantic relationship needs husbands and wives to share emotions, experiences, and beliefs. While happily married coup 0les can rattle off their differences, they will also always make statements about the things they have in common. The more couples focus on these things they have in common, the deeper intimacy is allowed to grow.

Think about the times you have felt the most connected with your spouse. One of the best exercises anyone can do to make their marriage a more romantic relationship is to focus on what you do have, and not on what you wish were different. Remember, it's not about trying to change your spouse, making him or her think, feel and behave more like you. Instead, try to understand these differences and not pass judgment.

Advice 2: Spend time together
Studies indicate that marital happiness is highly correlated with the amount of time spent together. This means getting to know each other better and spending time together. Plan together and you'll find that the planning takes time and effort. These shared plans do so much good for a marriage because they acknowledge the importance of your union and give you a sense of future together. Busy couples should actually schedule time together, such as going on lunch dates or turning off the TV at night, to enjoy each other's company. This way, you are intentionally connecting and showing each other attention and appreciation factors that are crucial to a romantic relationship.
Advice 3: Give Compliments
Lovers shower compliments upon each other (even when not really necessary) and this actually helps in nurturing your romance. It is very natural for lovers to get busy with daily work, family and home post marriage. But in this hustle bustle, many a times both forget to compliment one another when she is wearing her hair differently or he is looking more handsome on a particular day. So take time out of your work and kids to notice his/her looks and give complements. Not just looks, you can also compliment your partner on his/her work, achievements, etc. This will surely work in re-injecting romance in your marriage.

Advice 4: Be Interested in His/Her Life
It is not really possible to like each and every habit of your spouse. For example, a wife may not really be interested when her partner spends the entire morning cleaning his car. On the other hand, a husband may not really appreciate the reality shows wives like watching on TV. But think again. They are not really that bad. Are they? Moreover if you genuinely sometimes take interest in things that interests your life partner, he or she will really appreciate your gesture and reciprocate.

Last advice: Surprises can be Fun
With the daily tensions, there is more need of romance in your life. Giving your partner little surprises goes a long way in elevating moods and lessening anxieties. Here I give some tips to you:

Tips 1: Unexpected kissing
When was the last time that you surprised your spouse with a kiss? Giving your partner a smooch when he isn't anticipating it will catch him off guard in a pleasant way.

Tips 2: A Surprised Gift
  You can leave cute love messages (or a small gift @^.^@) for one another under the pillow. 

Go and try it yourself!
If you practice these ideas, you will quickly see how you can light the fire of intimacy in your marriage and rekindle your romantic relationship.
Contributed by Ramesh

Must ride before you die, Toy Trains of India

You are in India and/or planning for a vacation then you must spare time to take some slow toy train trips. If you love to be near nature it will be one of the unforgeable & exiting experience of your life. Take a slow toy train up to the hill resort of Shimla, Ooty (Udhagamandalam), Darjeeling or Matheran. There is nothing to match the experience of chugging up the hills, past little hamlets and terraced fields, making your way through tunnels and over breathtaking bridges. Its leisurely pace offers you a panoramic view of changing vistas. The invigorating air and the delights of scenic hill resort provide a welcome respite from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Toy Train of SIMLA
The toy train journey from Kalka to Shimla is entertaining with 107 tunnels and lofty arched bridges. The dazzling view and the stops at the picturesque stations along the way - Dharmpore, Taksal, Gamma and Solan all add up to an exhilarating experience.  A broad gauge line up to Kalka connects Shimla.  'The Toy Train' covers the distance of 96 km between the two stations within six hours.

OOTY (Udhagamandalam)
The Nilgiri Mountain Railway starts from the town of Mettupalayam and thus begins a journey full of twists and turns as this narrow gauge train ascends 46 km, on its way to the hill resort at Ooty. At a maximum speed of 33 km per hour this 'toy train' treks across plains, plantations and forest clad hills. The 16 tunnels and tall bridges on the way along with the breathtaking view make this toy train journey to Ooty an extraordinary experience! Ooty is connected by a narrow gauge line from Mettupalayam, which serves as the railhead for mainline trains. The Nilgiri Express conncets Mettupalayam with Chennai daily. Coimbatore, the nearest city is 90 kms away and linked to all the major cities by rail . Mettupalayam is easily accessible from Coimbatore by frequent bus or train services.

DARJEELING little trains
The most famous of the little trains, is the one linking the town of New Jalpaiguri the plains to the lovely hill station of Darjeeling. With a 2 ft gauge, the Darjeeling Hill Railway is indeed a 'toy train' being the narrowest of the regular narrow gauges. The tiny century-old engine is connoisseur's delight. The 86 km Darjeeling line has no tunnels, thus allowing the traveller an uninterrupted view of the breathtaking scenery of the Himalaya. The 7 1/2 hour ride is a journey especially for rail buffs. New Jalpaiguri, the starting point of the hill train to Darjeeling, has direct connections to Calcutta, Delhi, Guwahati and other places in India.

The 77 year old line, connecting Neral (on main line of Central Railway) to Matheran, is the main way to reach the tiny hill resort, close to Mumbai. As the little train wheezes up into the clear mountain air one can view the scenic vista of hills and plains below. The lack of vehicular traffic at Matheran makes it an unusual and peaceful retreat. The toy train to Matheran commences from Neral (Mumbai- Pune line), which is connected from Mumbai by local train. The journey up to Matheran from Neral takes about 1 1/2 hours. The toy train runs between sunrise and sunset.
Contributed by : Sushma Sehgal

Holiday INDIA - Must see 5 beaches of INDIA

India is one of the most popular holiday destinations in the world with good natural environment and budget & luxury accommodation facilities. Lots of options are there that will make your holidays unforgettable. You can get snow in Leh & Laddakh, or you can enjoy forest safari in JimCorbett National park or If your choice is sun, sand and sea, then you surly in a right country. There are beaches in India that are pristine and which would make your holidays colorful and there are many types of. You will get all you want, as these are ideal for beach tourism filled with fun, frolic and agreeable ambiance. To surprise you there are some of finest the beaches in the world like Kovalam Beach in Kerala and Palolem Beach in Goa. Exquisite beaches of the country are likely packed with tourists, vacationers and honeymooning couples from all over the world, enjoying their holidays with beach activities as sunbathing, swimming, beach volleyball, and yes water sport too.

Here I am going to share some top beaches with you where where you will love to be.

One of the most beautiful beach of the God`s Own Country. Most scenic and calm beach, comparatively peaceful than other famous beaches of Kerala. Besides beach vacations it is famous for 900 year old Janardana Swami`s Temple. You can get sea cliffs. Lesser popularity of this Varkala keep its environment unpolluted and you can enjoy your holidays on neat and clean beaches. Red rocks with coconut trees on the seashore makes it perfect for family vacation.

Baga Beach
Most popular beach in North Goa for adventure lovers. You can enjoy all kinds of water sports here. Parasailing, Wind surfing, Water skiing, Scuba diving, Fishing, Motor boat ridins, Snorkeling, Water sccootering, Speed boating, and Dinghy Sailing activities will boost your energy that adds an exciting and adventure packed holiday experience.

Marina Beach One of the longest beaches in the world located in the city of Chennai. It is one of the most important destinations for beach vacations in India. In the capital of Tamil Nadu It is very popular among family vacationers with kids.

Kovalam Beach
If you want to see commercialized beach, you must be here. Near the city of Trivandrum there is also one of the finest beach resorts in the world. Every year a large gathering of tourists and vacationers through out the entire globe came to capital of Kerala In south India visit Kovalam beach. Here you will get comfort, relax and luxury enjoying beach activities and sightseeing. There are luxury & plush hotels and beach resorts In Kovalam and at the same time It also has budget lodging hotels.

Juhu, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Mahabalipuram, Marari, Alleppey, Fort Kochi are also some of other beautiful beaches in India where you can enjoy your vacations. These beaches in India are ideal for fun & action packed vacation. If you are planning for beach vacation in India, consider about its peaceful beaches. You can choose from the wide range of India tour packages. Just choose one of the packages which covers famous beach places of India and make your holidays unforgettable, filled with fun and action. it is sure that It will be a lifetime experience.

Contributed by : Sushma Sehgal

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6. Why can’t I see my articles?

Our community based rating and ranking system allows members to interact and leave feedback for articles. If for some reason your article is flagged, it is temporarily placed on hold and one of our editors will review that article for inclusion in the directory.

7. What is ArticleIncome?

ArticleIncome brings together people with different interests and knowledge to targeted and themed sites to share information while enabling the authors to earn royalties on their contributing articles.

8. Where will my articles be published?

Member articles will be published on our network of sites, depending on the categories you have submitted your articles to.

9. Can I write my articles in first person?

Your articles can be written in first or third person, depending on how you can best present your ideas to the reader.

10. Can I join ArticleIncome if I live outside the United States?

Yes, anyone can join ArticleIncome and be a published author online.

11. I have articles that I have submitted to other sites. Can I use those?

There are two types of articles, the unique ones and the published ones. Yes, you may submit these articles under "Published Articles". However, the "Unique Articles" need to be original and exclusively for the site. We take pride that our content is unique and specialized for each niche and so your content ranks better.

12. What rights do you have over my Articles?

As a member, you license site the rights to publish your content exclusively in our network. You retain copyrights to your articles.

13. Do my articles have to be written in English?

English and/or Hindi.

14. Why was my article rejected?

If your article has any plagiarism we will reject that article. We check each and every article for duplicate content. In addition, our editors will be alerted to re-review possible problematic content.

15. How long should my articles be?

Articles should at least be 300 words minimum. However, articles of upwards of 1000 words have been seen to perform better with regards to traffic. You may split up into multiple pages.

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The Magic of word FUCK

Irrespective of language, words have their own beauty and verstality. One such word is FUCK that has been described beautifully by MAHAGURU OSHO. OSHO considers FUCK as one of the most interesting words in english language today. According to him, it is a magical word. Just by its sound it can describe pain, pleasure, hate and love. It can be used as a verb, both transitve and intransitive, and as a noun also.It can be used as an objective. There are not many words with verstality of fuck. Besides the sexual meaning there are also the following usage.

IGNORANCE : Fucked If I know.

TROUBLE : I guess I am fucked now.

AGGRESSION : Fuck you.

DISPLEASURE: What the fuck is going on here?

DIFFICULTY : I can't understand this fucking job.

INCOMPETENCE : He is a fuck off.

SUSPICION : What the fuck are you doing?

ENJOYMENT : I had a fucking good time.

REQUEST : Get the fuck out of here.

HOSTILITY : I am going to knock your fucking head.

GREETINGS : How the fuck are you?

INNOVATION : Get a bigger fucking hammer.

ANXIETY : Today is really fucked.

This word is very healthy too if every morning you do it as a transcedental meditation. Just when you get up in the morning, repeat the mantra "fuck you" five times, it clears your throat
Contributed be : Deepak

The magic of Word FUCK

Irrespective of language, words have their own beauty and verstality. One such word is FUCK that has been described beautifully by MAHAGURU OSHO. OSHO considers FUCK as one of the most interesting words in english language today. According to him, it is a magical word. Just by its sound it can describe pain, pleasure, hate and love. It can be used as a verb, both transitve and intransitive, and as a noun also.It can be used as an objective. There are not many words with verstality of fuck. Besides the sexual meaning there are also the following usage.

IGNORANCE : Fucked If I know.

TROUBLE : I guess I am fucked now.

AGGRESSION : Fuck you.

DISPLEASURE: What the fuck is going on here?

DIFFICULTY : I can't understand this fucking job.

INCOMPETENCE : He is a fuck off.

SUSPICION : What the fuck are you doing?

ENJOYMENT : I had a fucking good time.

REQUEST : Get the fuck out of here.

HOSTILITY : I am going to knock your fucking head.

GREETINGS : How the fuck are you?

INNOVATION : Get a bigger fucking hammer.

ANXIETY : Today is really fucked.

This word is very healthy too if every morning you do it as a transcedental meditation. Just when you get up in the morning, repeat the mantra "fuck you" five times, it clears your throat

The Magic of word FUCK

Irrespective of language, words have their own beauty and verstality. One such word is FUCK that has been described beautifully by MAHAGURU OSHO. OSHO considers FUCK as one of the most interesting words in english language today. According to him, it is a magical word. Just by its sound it can describe pain, pleasure, hate and love. It can be used as a verb, both transitve and intransitive, and as a noun also.It can be used as an objective. There are not many words with verstality of fuck. Besides the sexual meaning there are also the following usage.

IGNORANCE : Fucked If I know.

TROUBLE : I guess I am fucked now.

AGGRESSION : Fuck you.

DISPLEASURE: What the fuck is going on here?

DIFFICULTY : I can't understand this fucking job.

INCOMPETENCE : He is a fuck off.

SUSPICION : What the fuck are you doing?

ENJOYMENT : I had a fucking good time.

REQUEST : Get the fuck out of here.

HOSTILITY : I am going to knock your fucking head.

GREETINGS : How the fuck are you?

INNOVATION : Get a bigger fucking hammer.

ANXIETY : Today is really fucked.

This word is very healthy too if every morning you do it as a transcedental meditation. Just when you get up in the morning, repeat the mantra "fuck you" five times, it clears your throat


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